RUSH VF1 RARSS F1 Rear Rubber Slick Tires Asphalt Revolution Soft Premount 2 pcs (White) - RU-0474
RUSH VF1 RARSS F1 Rear Rubber Slick Tires Asphalt Revolution Soft Premount 2 pcs (White) - RU-0474
Mounted and pre-glued with Rush F1 wheel and Rush insert.
Application - Asphalt (WHITE)
New big air hole on wheel and thin type insert.
Quickly cools hot air inside the tire to ensure more stable side grip on high temperature track.
Tires marked with compounds below:
VF1 RARSS Revolution Soft Compound (WHITE) - Asphalt *NEW*
VF1 HARSS Hyper Soft Compound (DOUBLE PINK) - Asphalt
VF1 ARSS Super Soft Compound (PINK) - Asphalt
VF1 ARS Soft Compound (YELLOW) - Asphalt
VF1 ARMS Medium Soft Compound (GREEN) - Asphalt
VF1 CRS Carpet Soft Compound (RED) - Carpet (Black CRC)
Note - Great for use as Spec/Control tires at race events.